Tuesday 5 May 2020

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Angklung Pak Radja at SM Sains Kuching Utara, Sarawak, Malaysia

Sarawak, here we come again!
19 April 2018, Thursday: This is our 3rd visit to Sarawak and we are tremendously loving it. Yeah! Our previous visits were SMK Bandar Samariang, Kuching and SMK Merapok, Lawas. One thing for sure, Sarawakians are very friendly and hospitable. They never fail to offer us a fun ride around town, a much appreciated info on the best sought after food and souvenirs. 

Thank you, Cikgu Aisyah who has been patiently waiting  for our an hour delayed arrival due to technical problems in the aircraft. Whew! Thank God they identified the problem before takeoff. The whole hundred over passengers we immediately evacuated to another aircraft. 15 minutes after that we were on our way to Kuching. Thank you AirAsia for putting our safety top priority!

 Reached Kuching International Airport around 9pm, to our relief, as promised Cikgu Aisyah was waiting for us with her cute little nephew. I failed to get his name because he is a very shy little kinder. 😅😅

Image result for riverside majestic hotel 
Riverside Majestic Hotel 

Image result for riverside majestic hotel
Pretty cool, huh?

Related image
Clean toilet, is a must.

The sight of our hotel and  checking into our room which was pre-booked via online yesterday was much welcome to our exhausted body. Earlier this morning we had a 3 hours angklung  coaching session at SK Seri Sekamat, Kajang Kuala Lumpur. It was quite successful but with a minor setback as the school's angklung set which they had purchased from other supplier was not in top condition. Perhaps due to its wear and tear that affected greatly on the tuning.😅

Having a stroll along the river is never disappointing.  It is wonderful, especially at night. The place is showered with glittering neon lights. Eating slowly the local delicacy and lazily gazing at the beautiful surrounding. A very self-full filling time. Sit back, relax and recharge for tomorrow's task. SM Sains Kuching Utara, can't wait to be there...

20 April 2018, Friday :  We were up and about as early as 9am. Took our breakfast at the food court. Have a stroll around the town, Pak Radja performed his Solat Jumaat, checked out from the hotel, got a ride in a Grab-Car. Which was surprisingly reasonable where the fare is concern. During our stay in Kuching, we had the chance to meet 4 different Grab Car drivers. All four of them I gave 4 - 5 stars review. Good service. Very polite and friendly. En. Mohd. Shahrul Nizam of Kota Samarahan is the best. Pak Radja's handphone was left-behind in his car, he took the initiative to call us ( we were back in Taiping then) to arrange for it's shipment  back to us. Thank you En. Mohd. Shahrul for your very kind gesture.  

We reached SM Sains Kuching Utara around 1:30pm, plenty of time for us to set up our coaching aids and assemble the angklung. At exactly 2pm, students from Form 1, 2 and 3 started to arrive as they have just finished having their lunch and the boys just came back from the mosque for their Friday Solat. These boys and girls from this school are specially selected students from all over Malaysia who are academic incline with family's background from all walks of life. 

A complimentary Angklung Handbook for the school.

Playing with great anticipation
Pak Radja in the house.
Thank you School Principal Dr. Hjh. Norisa Binti Hj. Suhili 
A proud moment. Mission accomplished.
Smile everyone!

Thursday 8 March 2018

300 Angklung music sheets collection

A collection of wonderful songs in angklung version.
Book 1. Book 2. Book 3.
In music score or sheets.
Now open for sale.
Email us today or leave a comment and we'll get right back to you.

Monday 18 December 2017

A full Set Of Angklung Pak Radja

Angklung Pak Radja Full Set

3 octaves
6 units of chords
6 units of bass
31 units of melody

* Every purchase comes with 2 hours FREE angklung demo
* FREE angklung handbook version 1
*FREE usb midi accompaniment 

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Youngest Angklung Pak Radja Group 2017

Treacher Methodist Girls School Taiping, Perak

TMGS : Treacher Methodist Girls School Taiping is one of the oldest school in Malaysia. It was formed in 1899. The school was named after William Treacher the wife of the British Resident of Perak then,  Boshop James Thoburn. 

Welcome to the big family of Angklung Pak Radja!

TMGS is the youngest family member of the year 2017.  Since all the goverment schools  in Malaysia is on a long year end holiday, therefore we will definitely be back next year for the FOC angklung demo. 

Headmistress, Pn.Hjh. Kasma bt Mohamad Saaid  & Pak Radja

TMGS being a High Performance School, the girls enrolled in this school are specially selected. Looking forward to meet all of  them next year. See you girls soon. Insyaallah!

Thursday 11 May 2017

Happy Mothers Day : IBU (Mother)

Especially dedicated to my beloved mum, Ruphina Modipar. 

My beloved mum, recuperating slowly from stroke.

Ibu ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Bila ku berduka
Engkau hiburkan selalu

Ibu ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Tempatku menyerah kasih
Tiap waktu

Betapa tidak hanya engkaulah
Yang menyniari hidupku
Sepanjang masa engkau berkorban
Tidak putusnya bagai air lalu

Ibu ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Tempatku menyerah kasih
Wahai Ibu

Betapa tidak hanya engkaulah
Yang menyniari hidupku
Sepanjang masa engkau berkorban
Tidak putusnya bagai air lalu

Ibu ibu
Engkaulah ratu hatiku
Tempatku menyerah kasih
Wahai Ibu

Wednesday 5 April 2017

SK Wangsa Maju Kuala Lumpur Angklung Team

                 Welcome to Angklung Pak Radja Group....
SK Wangsa Maju, KL

                Today we are off to Kuala Lumpur to meet Ustazah Wan Nor Husmawati Was Hussain for the first time. We have been keeping in touch through whatsapp these past few days. I am indeed grateful to her for taking the time to search us through the internet. It has been so long that I didn't do any updates in my blog, as I have been quite busy with my present undertakings. And also due to my being a little bit discourage by my blog's turn-out.... shame on me! Now I owe this blog at least 6 new posts! OMG!
                  Thank you Ustazah Nor, am back and promising myself to keep blogging no matter what.  My English is rustier than ever...sorry, my bad.
                    When Ustazah Nor first contacted us relating her hope and desire for her pupils, I have the first impression that she is an exceptional teacher. She wants to form a new angklung group for her particularly a few group of pupils whom she referred as challenging and need a special kind of approach to teach. According to this remarkable teacher, who is the school counselor, in order to educate them, she first  needs to spark among them  the interest of coming to school.  She is certain that through music her noble goal can be achieved! I couldn't agree her more! InsyaAllah! God's willing....

                          The free angklung demo commences later then expected as the school are having an intensive practice  for the upcoming Nasyid Competition. Some of the pupils selected to attend the demo are also involved in it. Therefore we took the time to get to know the awaiting pupils. One thing for sure, they are very eager and so are we...

                        Nothing beats the look of eagerness to learn from an innocent child. Blessed are those who see them and seize the opportunity to nurture a great human being.

Remarkable teachers who made this happen.

Eagerness over-load.
                       As expected, after 15 minutes of coaching the merry pupils of SK Wangsa Maju KL are "angklunging" away with their first song, 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. The satisfaaction writtenin their sweet faces is to die for!
                         When I pinned-up the score of the second song, 'Getaran Jiwa', I can clearly see that they were getting  nervous and doubtful of their ability to play this quite hard piece. Nevertheless, after 3 attempts, the nailed it!

                          The next song came, 'Bengawan Solo', they were more relax and able to enjoy every beats. Bravo! Now the Angklung Group of SK Wangsa Maju KL is officially FORMED!

ps: for more pictures visit  us at facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/angklungpakradja
      for videos visit us at youtube               : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xslkY_T9e0U

Friday 28 October 2016

A Score A Day : Aku Yang Dulu Bukan Yang Sekarang (Tegar Septian)

Rag To Riches.... : Tegar Septian
This song has a big impact on the music industry of Malaysia and Indonesia. In 2013 it came in a big wave that overwhelmed both countries. The magical story behind the huge fame of this song is the singer himself. It's more of a rag to riches story that everybody loves to know and talk about...
Tegar Septian, a street beggar who sang and carried his  gitarlele around hoping for a few coins after. 

He was born in  Subang, Indonesia, on  18 September 2001. He is talented no doubt, at the age tender  of 5 he has been composing his own songs. And by the  mere age of 15 year  he built his fame from this song..sadly, perhaps his one and only hit song ever known...Unfortunately, this hardworking young man basically disappeared from the music industry due to controversial issues that be fallen onto him one after another. There is a latest rumors suggesting the struggle to survive  he has force him to go back to his old profession. 

It goes to show that talent alone is never a guarantee  to success, knowledge is power, do not neglect your education. Poverty and illiteracy has  severe effect on one's life, education is a key to improving individual's life. An investment in knowledge pays the BEST interest. 

Image result for quote on importance of education

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Angklung Pak Radja at MY Sabah, Land Below The Wind

Going back to my homeland, Sabah. A precious chance to meet mum, kiss her hand, bear-hug and plant a loving kiss on her cheeks! 

This time we are heading to Kota Kinabalu, the capital city of Sabah. My oh my...the city itself has transformed spectacularly and still is undergoing tremendous development...awesome! The skyscrapers is really a sight to behold. Naming some...
Riverson Kota Kinabalu 
Imago Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu International Airport 

The Blue Mosque in Likas    
Sabah State Library, under construction in Tangjung Aru
Due to our limited time in Sabah, we needed to be at SK Tanjung Aru 2 Kota Kinabalu before 9 am to set up Angklung Pak Radja and other equipment. We arrived early by an hour to give ample of time for the school management to gather the pupils to anticipate the Angklung Demo. 
As the school was also having an English Week programme, so gathering the pupils became  quite a challenge as most of them were literally everywhere as there were a lot of activities happening at the same time. In the end, the demo commence around 11am with 30 pupils by the age of 10. Each one rushed into the music room with eagerness and much delight.   

Pn. Norifah Hj. Awg. Mohammad (PK HEM)

Angklung Pak Radja no. 1621
By 12pm the pupils were able to play 3 songs. 
          - Can't Help Falling In Love
          - Getaran Jiwa
          - Bengawan Solo
Well done angklungist!
The merry angklungist of SK Tanjung Aru 2 Kota Kinabalu

Looking forward to see your Angklung Debut soon!
All the best from us to you!

Keep it shaking guys

Sunday 16 October 2016

A Song Score A day : Ayam Den Lapeh

Song : Ayam Den Lapeh
Genre : Traditional (Indonesia)
Composer : Abdul Hamid
Original singer : Ally Kasim (Pagar Ruyung, Indonesia) 


Luruihlah jalan Payakumbuah
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima hati indak kan rusuah
Ayam den lapeh ai ai...
Ayam den lapeh
Mandaki jalan Padangsikek
Manurun jalan ka Biaro
Dimahati indak kamaupek
Awak takicuah ai ai...
Ayam den lapeh
Reff :
Sikuacapang sikua capeh
saikua tabang sikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo Nan karimbo
ai lah malang juo
Pagaruyuang jo Batusangka
tampek bajalan urang baso
Duduak tamanuang tiok sabanta
ai takana juo ai ai...
Ayam den lapeh

A very popular traditional song originated from Indonesia. It is believed to be a song by Minangkabau of Padang, Sumatera Indonesia.  Yet it is widely known and sang throughout South East Asia, from  Malaysia  to Vietnam. Therefore,  there are many language versions  and the narration of the song varied  according to the countries' culture.

But the original lyrics of this satiric song when roughly translated is relating the loss of something valuable (ayam, chicken which symbolizes a valuable possession) (den  as mine) (lapeh as escaped). Nevertheless, as in most traditional songs, this song laden with useful  advise. 

A salute to our old and wise fore-fathers.

Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung