Introduction To Angklung


                      Angklung is a  wonderful traditional musical instrument from Indonesia.  It is eco-friendly and very easy to play. A musical instrument that is literally 100% made out of bamboo.  It is made from joint pieces of bamboo. It consists of two to four bamboo tubes suspended within a bamboo frame, bound with rattan cords. Each angklung produces a single note or chord. 
                          There is more to angklung than its soothing harmonious sound only.  Angklung  symbolizes human life. As the angklung is shaken, both tubes create a harmony illustrating life (as it should be). Angklung is not truly an angklung if it consists of only one tube. It stands as symbol  that humans cannot remain solitary; a person  needs others in life. The large and small tubes also illustrate the development of human life.  The small tube illustrates that every person has dreams and desires to become someone ‘greater’, as symbolized by the large tube.

Angklung varies in number of bamboo tubes
                          The tubes are painstakingly carved individually by a master craftsperson to produce the required notes when the bamboo frame is shaken or tapped. Each angklung produces a single note or chord.  in  order  to produce an exquisite  and resonant pitch when  struck. These tubes are therefore tuned to octaves. The top centre of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand shakes the instrument. This simple gesture will produce a repeating note which when played together will make a very soothing sound. o several players must collaborate in order to play melodies.
                          An excellent quality angklung is made from a well prepared bamboo. The bamboo that contains too much water will affect the quality of sound produced. The best time to cut the bamboo is during the dry season that is between the month of July to October in Indonesia. It is normally done at 9 am till 3 pm. In order to have a tunable set, the bamboo used must be of at least  3 years of age. Some angklung producers preferred them within 4 to 6 years of age to ensure their high quality.
                           After the cutting, the bamboo should be kept vertically for at least a week until it is completely dry and all the leaves fell out. It should be cut and treated to avoid infestation. The bamboo can be either smoked or soaked in mud. It can also be treated with certain chemical. This bamboo is then kept in the warehouse for at least a year for complete drying.

                            Angklung  brings so much fun as it can be played together. Each players or performers in an angklung ensemble needs to play a note or more. Working as a team, they performed a complete melody of any song scores. Nevertheless, angklung is indeed an easy instrument to play as it can also be enjoyed by those who have zero background of music.

                        Playing angklung as an orchestra requires cooperation and coordination, and is believed promotes the values of teamwork, mutual respect and social harmony.[1]On November 18, 2010, UNESCO officially recognized Indonesian angklung as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Bravo Indonesia!


  1. i am really interisting about your post. I have simillar post about indonesian cultul, tou can visit at Eksplor Indonesia

  2. Hi Heti Ug. Thank you very much for visiting our site. Yes, I am very interested in Indonesian cultures, especially on Angklung..
    As angklung itself is originated from Indonesia, therefore we always refer to the Indonesian to get a better and accurate info..hope you don't mind me quoting and elaborating. Thank you for the head up. Will definitely look it up! Love Angklung, love Indonesia.


Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung