The History of Angklung

                             There is no known or recorded evidence when angklung was first being  played. But its primitive design suggested that it has been around during the Neolithic period which spread throughout the land of Indonesia. Angklung is therefore often regarded as a relic of the per-hindusimn culture in Indonesia.

                   Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in  West Java and Banten which are provinces in Indonesia. Angklung  has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries. 
           Therefore, angklung and its music has become the cultural identity of Sundanese communities in West Java and Banten. The origin of bamboo musical, angklung as such; is based on the Sundanese refection towards life. They are very close to nature.       
          They have high regard on their staple food that is the paddy. Thus, the birth of the myth Nyai Sri Pohaci as the Goddess of Paddy the life giver (urip-urip). The community of Baduy, which believed to be the last direct decedent of Sundanese, obsorded angklung into their ritual to mark off the beginning of their paddy planting season.    
           The oldest angklung in the world  Angklung Gubrag is made in Jasinga, Bogor, known to have existed more than 400 years ago. Some of it are kept at Sri Baduga Museum, Bandung.
                          Angklung was invented with the intention to be played  to woe Dewi Sri to descent on earth  and bring good paddy harvest. The type of bamboo that normally used are the black bamboo (awi wulung) and the white bamboo (awi temen).

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

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