Tuesday 28 July 2015

Angklung Pak Radja at SK Konven Kota, Taiping, Perak


28th July 2015 : It is always a real pleasure to serve the needs of schools around Taiping, Perak!
Taiping, means serenity in chinese.... may it continues to be so. It is the hometown of Pak Radja himself, so he is ever ready to serve and share his musical knowledge in this beloved town.

Today we are visiting one of the few High Performing School in Taiping, SK St. Convent Kota. It is all girls primary school who excel in both academic and co-curricular activities, so we pretty much expecting a highly disciplined and subtle group of young girls. 

Indeed as expected, in no time the girls are confidently playing all the angklung music scores provided! They did not find much difficulties in reading all the scores provided. 

 All the very best girls! Till we meet again on your next practice!
But for now, keep your Angklung Pak Radja  S H A K I N G

Friday 3 July 2015


Puteri Brigade at SMK Methodist (P) Penang, Malaysia

After one hour of Angklung introduction and coaching by Pak Radja the girls gleefully played 6 pieces of songs.
  1. Can't Help Falling In Love
  2. Shanghai Beach
  3. Bengawan Solo
  4. Yu Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin
  5. He Re Jun Zai Lai
  6. Gambang Semarang

Well done girls! 
Congratulation Miss Goh! 
And thank you very much for your hospitality. 
We are looking forward to see your group's Angklung Debut  soon. 
I am sure it's going to be fantastic!

Angklung Pak Radja at Methodist Putri Brigade Penang

Well done girls!

3rd July 2015 : Visiting Penang again! Alhamdulillah... This time we will be sharing the joy of playing angklung to the girls at Putri Brigade Wesley Methodist Penang.

This is a newly formed Angklung Group under the direction of young and talented Miss Goh. Yet the girls can really play well. After a hour of coaching by Pak Radja, they managed to play all 4 pieces of angklung music scores targeted for that day! 

The young and talented Miss Goh

Good Luck girls! Looking forward for your debut performance soon!

Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung