Wednesday 10 February 2016

Angklung : Shaking it in Pak Radja's Way

Doing  Angklung
 in Pak Radja's way
                 You may notice that there are a few variation in the way how one may hold or shake the angklung. Go creative and inovative! But then there some important factors one ought to take into consideration if opting for the best sound and effect. 
                 Let us see how is it done in our way. After all sharing is caring, right? The following are  how to hold, shake, and play angklung in Pak Radja's method, Malaysia's Angklung Maestro.
How to hold
Left-handed player
  • In order to have a firm hold on your Angklung, grip it with your left hand. Position your angklung with the higher tube on your right hand side and the shorter tube onto the left
  • Vice versa if your are left-handed.
  • Hold it straight and not slanting

Where to hold
  • Grip at the middle of the upper handle of angklung with your left hand
  • Position your right hand; thumb and forefinger (pencil grip) to hold at the lower part of the angklung outer frame
  • Keep both arms in straight position while playing 

How to shake
  • If you are right-handed, use your right hand to shake the angklung (similar to scribbling)
  • The left hand acts as an anchor; hold without moving.
  • Vice versa for left-handed player
  • The quality of sound produced is much determined by one's firm grip, the fine and precise 'scribbling' 

    At ease
How to hold more than one angklung
  • Determine the position by the size
  • Position the bigger angklung nearer to the body.
  • The bigger and heavier angklung can also be hanged at the arm. While the smaller angklung is held by fingers
  • Allocate ample of space between angklung 

Variety in playing
  • For the long and resonating sound; fine prolonged 'scibbling'
  • Determined the dynamics; strong and firm 'scribbling' or soft and subtle 'scribbling'
  • For staccato; slant your angklung slightly and tap lightly (with the tip of the fingers) on the edge of the lower horizontal tube (centok)
  • For sound adaption; mute one of the vertical tube by gripping it firmly to the frame while shaking (tengkep)


    Let's keep our Angklungshaking!

    Sunday 7 February 2016

    HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR from Angklung Pak Radja

     Have a prosperous Chinese New Year everyone!

    A remarklable Angklung Performance by SMK Taman Universiti, Johor Bahru.
    Bravo and  thank you Cikgu Zainal.

    Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

    Maher Zain and Angklung