Wednesday 5 April 2017

SK Wangsa Maju Kuala Lumpur Angklung Team

                 Welcome to Angklung Pak Radja Group....
SK Wangsa Maju, KL

                Today we are off to Kuala Lumpur to meet Ustazah Wan Nor Husmawati Was Hussain for the first time. We have been keeping in touch through whatsapp these past few days. I am indeed grateful to her for taking the time to search us through the internet. It has been so long that I didn't do any updates in my blog, as I have been quite busy with my present undertakings. And also due to my being a little bit discourage by my blog's turn-out.... shame on me! Now I owe this blog at least 6 new posts! OMG!
                  Thank you Ustazah Nor, am back and promising myself to keep blogging no matter what.  My English is rustier than ever...sorry, my bad.
                    When Ustazah Nor first contacted us relating her hope and desire for her pupils, I have the first impression that she is an exceptional teacher. She wants to form a new angklung group for her particularly a few group of pupils whom she referred as challenging and need a special kind of approach to teach. According to this remarkable teacher, who is the school counselor, in order to educate them, she first  needs to spark among them  the interest of coming to school.  She is certain that through music her noble goal can be achieved! I couldn't agree her more! InsyaAllah! God's willing....

                          The free angklung demo commences later then expected as the school are having an intensive practice  for the upcoming Nasyid Competition. Some of the pupils selected to attend the demo are also involved in it. Therefore we took the time to get to know the awaiting pupils. One thing for sure, they are very eager and so are we...

                        Nothing beats the look of eagerness to learn from an innocent child. Blessed are those who see them and seize the opportunity to nurture a great human being.

Remarkable teachers who made this happen.

Eagerness over-load.
                       As expected, after 15 minutes of coaching the merry pupils of SK Wangsa Maju KL are "angklunging" away with their first song, 'Can't Help Falling In Love'. The satisfaaction writtenin their sweet faces is to die for!
                         When I pinned-up the score of the second song, 'Getaran Jiwa', I can clearly see that they were getting  nervous and doubtful of their ability to play this quite hard piece. Nevertheless, after 3 attempts, the nailed it!

                          The next song came, 'Bengawan Solo', they were more relax and able to enjoy every beats. Bravo! Now the Angklung Group of SK Wangsa Maju KL is officially FORMED!

ps: for more pictures visit  us at facebook :
      for videos visit us at youtube               :

Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung