Wednesday 25 April 2018

Angklung Pak Radja at SM Sains Kuching Utara, Sarawak, Malaysia

Sarawak, here we come again!
19 April 2018, Thursday: This is our 3rd visit to Sarawak and we are tremendously loving it. Yeah! Our previous visits were SMK Bandar Samariang, Kuching and SMK Merapok, Lawas. One thing for sure, Sarawakians are very friendly and hospitable. They never fail to offer us a fun ride around town, a much appreciated info on the best sought after food and souvenirs. 

Thank you, Cikgu Aisyah who has been patiently waiting  for our an hour delayed arrival due to technical problems in the aircraft. Whew! Thank God they identified the problem before takeoff. The whole hundred over passengers we immediately evacuated to another aircraft. 15 minutes after that we were on our way to Kuching. Thank you AirAsia for putting our safety top priority!

 Reached Kuching International Airport around 9pm, to our relief, as promised Cikgu Aisyah was waiting for us with her cute little nephew. I failed to get his name because he is a very shy little kinder. 😅😅

Image result for riverside majestic hotel 
Riverside Majestic Hotel 

Image result for riverside majestic hotel
Pretty cool, huh?

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Clean toilet, is a must.

The sight of our hotel and  checking into our room which was pre-booked via online yesterday was much welcome to our exhausted body. Earlier this morning we had a 3 hours angklung  coaching session at SK Seri Sekamat, Kajang Kuala Lumpur. It was quite successful but with a minor setback as the school's angklung set which they had purchased from other supplier was not in top condition. Perhaps due to its wear and tear that affected greatly on the tuning.😅

Having a stroll along the river is never disappointing.  It is wonderful, especially at night. The place is showered with glittering neon lights. Eating slowly the local delicacy and lazily gazing at the beautiful surrounding. A very self-full filling time. Sit back, relax and recharge for tomorrow's task. SM Sains Kuching Utara, can't wait to be there...

20 April 2018, Friday :  We were up and about as early as 9am. Took our breakfast at the food court. Have a stroll around the town, Pak Radja performed his Solat Jumaat, checked out from the hotel, got a ride in a Grab-Car. Which was surprisingly reasonable where the fare is concern. During our stay in Kuching, we had the chance to meet 4 different Grab Car drivers. All four of them I gave 4 - 5 stars review. Good service. Very polite and friendly. En. Mohd. Shahrul Nizam of Kota Samarahan is the best. Pak Radja's handphone was left-behind in his car, he took the initiative to call us ( we were back in Taiping then) to arrange for it's shipment  back to us. Thank you En. Mohd. Shahrul for your very kind gesture.  

We reached SM Sains Kuching Utara around 1:30pm, plenty of time for us to set up our coaching aids and assemble the angklung. At exactly 2pm, students from Form 1, 2 and 3 started to arrive as they have just finished having their lunch and the boys just came back from the mosque for their Friday Solat. These boys and girls from this school are specially selected students from all over Malaysia who are academic incline with family's background from all walks of life. 

A complimentary Angklung Handbook for the school.

Playing with great anticipation
Pak Radja in the house.
Thank you School Principal Dr. Hjh. Norisa Binti Hj. Suhili 
A proud moment. Mission accomplished.
Smile everyone!

Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung