Friday 29 January 2016

Karya Teragung Tan Sri Dr. P.Ramlee

             Getaran Jiwa in Angklung version

Reviews are based on this book.

Who is P.Ramlee?
P.Ramlee was the quintessential Malay entertainer par excellence, the Malay Noel Coward, if you like – actor, composer, singer, filmmaker.”

In his own lifetime, P.Ramlee created myth of what a boy unschooled in music in the performing arts could attain.”

For the world, he became a symbol of eternal genius of msic, acting and directing. Despite the heights of brilliance he had attained on the screen and in the music world, he remained a humble person.”

He has a luminous quality-a combination of brilliant acting, melodious singing, radiance-to set him apart, and yet make everyone wish to be like him.”
"The legendary P. Ramlee - whose super human talent was failed to be recognised then by the government, hence contributed to his downfall and his subsequent death, broke and broken..How heart-wrenching

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