Friday 2 September 2016

SM Dr. Burhanuddin Taiping Angklung Group

                     It is our greatest pleasure indeed to come to SM Dr. Burhanuddin, Taiping. When I first set eyes on this school, I felt strongly drawn to it. 
                    After finalizing the family's decision to move and settle at  my husband's hometown in Taiping, the utmost search in many aspects began.  But one of the most crucial aspect was the search for the 'right' school for my boys.  Back in 2014, we spent many months in doing so.  The need to find the 'right' secondary school for Ejjy is essential as he will only  have a year to prepare for his upcoming PT3 and a couple more years after that for his SPM exam.   Therefore to get the 'right'  secondary school to accommodate my  second son had become my top priority then.
                      Seeking advice from the locals, they gave me a list of best secondary schools around Taiping. All with impressive track of records to be proud of. Determine to enrol my son to the 'right' school that he will be comfortable and at ease, we visited and observed  each and every  school from afar. On our first visit to SMDB, my mind was already made up. And my husband's and Ejjy's thought alike.   I am thankful that we have done so owing to the fact that Ejjy's grade has tremendously improve and he is very actively involve in his co-curricular activities. Thank you SMDB for having him there. May he continues to flourish for us!  

Thank you SMDB for giving Ejjy's opportunity to represent the school English Debate team 2016

The dream that one day  SMDB will have its own Angklung Group was first expressed by the school former Principal, Tn. Hj. Aminudin Bin Mohd Nor

Today, the dream came true. Puan Nurolizam ( PK 1 ) made it possible through her hardwork and perseverance, who has been teaching in SMDB for more than 30 years! Thanks to her  close connection to her former students, who are  most of them are listed to be among the successful and influential figures in  Perak community.  For the love of their former school and the enduring respect to their teacher without much hesitation help out in funding for the Angklung Group of SMDB.
What a spirit!

6 octaves of Angklung Pak Radja.
SMDB Angklung Group officially formed.
Puan Nurolizam

PaK Radja & Cikgu Zainal

Puan Nurol and the young men of SMDB

The prim and proper girls of SMDB
The cool boys and Pak Radja
Congratulation SMDB!
Looking forward to your debut eagerly.....

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