Monday 31 August 2015

Angklung Video Submission Competition : Organised by SEAMAO

Hello again! 
       Here is something we worked out for the competition.
                      Hope it can help you in anyway!

Good Luck !

 The beautiful lyrics is as below :
 Building the Future (the SEAMEO Legacy) Lyric
It’s time to open our eyes
To a bright and promising future
We’ll rise to the call of the times
And create a stronger tomorrow
Let’s start to make a difference
Teaching everyone to learn
Through science, health and technology
We will share our expertise,
By promoting knowledge and policies
We can build a better world
Let us take a stand
For our visions of hope
Making future plans
For the people to grow
In a life filled with happiness and glee
Here at SEAMEO
Building the future
Is our legacy
We’ll achieve our goals thru partnership
Creating opportunities
By working hand in hand we can
Accomplish all our dreams,
For a better quality of life
Is now within our reach
(Repeat Chorus)

By Dr Rey Christian Cabreros, Philippines
For SEAMEO Songwriting Competition

                SEAMEO Song Angklung Contest


Thursday 27 August 2015

Singapore Here We Come!

         The High Performance School, SK Konven Kota Taiping, Perak is getting ready for a Study Tours to Singapore in the near future. The School Angklung Group is undergoing a tight schedule of practice They certainly feel the weight on their tiny shoulders of bringing the school's good name and reputation.  Their main mission is making school proud. 

Good Luck Young Musicians!

 27. 08.2015

 See U all on the next practice....

Monday 17 August 2015

Nurturing The Youngs: Kindergarten of TABIKA Perpaduan Taiping, Perak

Nurturing Kindergartens... 
with Angklung Pak Radja

                 Interesting yet taunting....the first thought that came into my mind when we received a suprise phone call from Puan Zuhaila the headmistress herself. It was an invitation to give a 4 hours talk and Demo on Angklung Pak Radja among the kindies!

                    This will be the first time experience for us. Surrounded by energetic and vibrant group of very young children. Challenging, yes but very interesting! We are more than happy to accept the invitation.  In fact we are honoured to be there and give our very best.

Keep Them Shaking Kindies!

Terima Kasih tak terhingga 
kepada Puan Zulaila Jais, dan cikgu-cikgu sekalian
 Kalau panjang umur,
 kita berjumpa lagi di
Kursus Pendedahan Angklung kepada guru-guru Tadika Perpaduan daerah Taiping.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Angklung Toel For Sale ( Tempahan untuk Angklung Toel )

Angklung Toel : Created by Kang Yayan Udjo (2008) 
  • specially for solo performers
  • You pay we deliver 
  • We help to assemble it at your premises
  • We give F.O.C demo
    Interested? Contact us or email us.  

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Weekly Practice : SK Klian Pauh Angklung Group

12.08.2015 : Weekly Practice for August 2015

Indeed! SK Klian Pauh Taiping is at the right direction as always. Not to waste any precious moments and opportunity, Cikgu Aida and Cikgu Fatimah sacrifice their time and effort to arrange for another  followup practice for their Angklung Group.

 Today we did a beautiful piece of song scores "Gambang Semarang" and " Aku Yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang". Both are quite difficult piece but the girls nailed them quite remarkably well!

"Pulang marilah pulang bersama-sama" (Going home,  Let's go home everybody) that's a line of lyrics in a famous traditional Malay song. Sometimes sung by Malaysian, Singaporean, and  Indonesian at the end off  happily a well earned day of hardwork and sharing.

Well done girls! See you all again next week..
Until then, Keep ur angklung Shaking Girls! 

Sunday 9 August 2015

Angklung Music Camp : SK KLian Pauh, Taiping Perak

Music Camp : Angklung

8.8.2015 : SK Klian Pauh, Taiping Perak took another step further. Bravo! Today they had 5 hours Angklung Music Camp. The aim of this Music Camp is to strengthen the school angklung group by training the level one pupils (year two and three within the age of 8 and 9 years old). This group of pupils will  be the second generation of Angklung Group for the school. 

 The new headmistress of SK Klian Pauh

The hardworking and dedicated music teacher Cikgu Aida.
 Ever committed teachers and staffs

Cikgu Fatimah giving direction to the pupils in their finale   

All the best girls! See you all again on your practise next week. Meanwhile, 
keep your angklung shaking!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Angklung Contest : SEAMOA


All PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and VOCATIONAL and TECHNICAL SCHOOLS in 11 Southeast Asian countries are invited to submit an application to take part in the SEAMEO 50x3 schools’ network - A network of sharing and development between school across Southeast Asia, and gain opportunity to participate in the SEAMEO training and capacity development programmes for teachers and students –
No registration fee. 
Deadline for submission of applications is 17 August 2015.
More information, please contact:
and visit:…

Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung