Sunday 9 August 2015

Angklung Music Camp : SK KLian Pauh, Taiping Perak

Music Camp : Angklung

8.8.2015 : SK Klian Pauh, Taiping Perak took another step further. Bravo! Today they had 5 hours Angklung Music Camp. The aim of this Music Camp is to strengthen the school angklung group by training the level one pupils (year two and three within the age of 8 and 9 years old). This group of pupils will  be the second generation of Angklung Group for the school. 

 The new headmistress of SK Klian Pauh

The hardworking and dedicated music teacher Cikgu Aida.
 Ever committed teachers and staffs

Cikgu Fatimah giving direction to the pupils in their finale   

All the best girls! See you all again on your practise next week. Meanwhile, 
keep your angklung shaking!

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