Wednesday 12 August 2015

Weekly Practice : SK Klian Pauh Angklung Group

12.08.2015 : Weekly Practice for August 2015

Indeed! SK Klian Pauh Taiping is at the right direction as always. Not to waste any precious moments and opportunity, Cikgu Aida and Cikgu Fatimah sacrifice their time and effort to arrange for another  followup practice for their Angklung Group.

 Today we did a beautiful piece of song scores "Gambang Semarang" and " Aku Yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang". Both are quite difficult piece but the girls nailed them quite remarkably well!

"Pulang marilah pulang bersama-sama" (Going home,  Let's go home everybody) that's a line of lyrics in a famous traditional Malay song. Sometimes sung by Malaysian, Singaporean, and  Indonesian at the end off  happily a well earned day of hardwork and sharing.

Well done girls! See you all again next week..
Until then, Keep ur angklung Shaking Girls! 

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