Sunday 7 June 2015

A Robot Playing Angklung

JAKARTA -  Klungbot,  a robot designed and prototyped (2010) by a group of creative and innovative graduates from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) It can play the angklung skillfully. In fact it can also play the carumba and cymbal!

All thanks to these 8 remarkable young inventors Nugroho Hari Wibowo, Nova Mahendra Putra, Sigit Yudanto, Rafid Fikri, Andyaningrum Fauziah, Hilmy Hanif, Nadya Komara Putri dan Adam Yanuro.

In their effort to conserve the beauty of traditional music,  they have in fact invented 2 other robots; V Rumba (April-September 2014) and Cymbot (September-November 2014). Their hope is to have these robots and Klungbot playing ensemble traditional musical instruments automatically.  They are planning to have them connected to the keyboard or kinect sensor to enable these robots to play musical arrangement.

Under a close supervision of Dr Eko Mursito Budo, the team had successfully pattern four of these angklung robots and  as well as  acoustic analysis angklung. This innovation is enclosed in  ITB Innovation Move in order to be able to help guide musician to get to know more of angklung music arrangement.  Beside the team's mission to marry traditional music and technology, the team's vision is cultivate and  instil  the love of cultural herritage of Indonesia.

Bravo Indonesia!

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung