Sunday 28 June 2015

Terima Kasih SK Padang Matsirat, LANGKAWI

Sekolah Keabangsaan Padang Matsirat, Langkawi Kedah Darul Aman

It feels so good to be back in Langkawi!The Land of Lady Mahsuri, the jewel of Kedah. With a large concentration of duty-free stores that stock in-demand items ranging from cigarettes, liquor and chocolates to luggage, sports shoes, perfumes, and cooking utensils, Langkawi is undoubtedly a shopper’s paradise. This time we intend on carting off duty-free some chocolates and cooking utensils. 

Setiap kali berkunjung ke Langkawi, perasaan seronok menyelubungi  jiwa! Kali ini kami berkunjung lagi ke Pulau Langkawi, permata negeri Kedah, pulau legenda Puteri Mahsuri. Surga membeli belah! Kunjungan kali ini kami berhasrat untuk membeli sakan coklat dan pingan mangkuk!

Well, that is beside the main reason we are visiting Langkawi again this year. We are visiting another primary school here at Padang Matsirat. SK Padang Matsirat has a very interesting history. The school was first built at Kampung Raja in 1930 where all the villagers had come together and built it from scratch. Surprisingly, they did not spend a single cent as they had made full use of all the materials that each and everyone of them had!soon they had a three humble huts that served as classrooms.

Tujuan sebenar kami berkunjung lagi ke Pulau Langkawi pada tahun ini adalah untuk melawat ke SK Padang Matsirat. Sekolah ini mempunyai sejarah yang agak menarik. Pada mulanya sekolah ini telah didirikan di Kampung Raja pada 1930 tanpa mengeluarkan sebarang perbelanjaan. Penduduk kampung telah bergotong royong membina bangunan sekolah dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber alam sekeliling. Tiga buah pondok bilik darjah berdindingkan buluh dan anyaman serta beratapkan nipah telah dibina.

Unfortunately, the school was destroyed after the Japanese occupation. In 1944, these remarkable  villagers built another school at today's location. Three humble huts with walls made out of bamboo and palm leaves as roof. Only in 1948, the school was given a fresh-modern look. Through the years that had gone by the school is now proudly standing  claiming its own rightful place as one of the most notable school in Langkawi Island.

Malang sekali, sekolah ini telah termusnah ketika pendudukan Jepun. Namun pada tahun 1944, penduduk-penduduk yang berjiwa kental ini telah mendirikan sebuah sekolah lagi di tapak sekarang. Tiga buah pondok yang masih menggunakan sumber-sumber alam dibina sebagai  bilik darjah. Sekarang sekolah ini adalah merupakan salah satu sekolah yang dibanggakan di Pulau Langkawi.

Opting to bring out the school further, the school Headmaster En. Azizan Bin Abdullah Sadek, assigned his Music teacher Cikgu  Asiah to acquire a set of angklung for the school. So this is where we come to the picture! On 15th June 2015, we proudly delivered a set of Angklung Pak Radja and did a two-hours Demo at this impressive school.

Memilih untuk membawa sekolah ke tahap yang lebih jauh lagi, Guru Besar sekolah En. Azizan Bin Abdullah Sadek telah menyerahkan tanggungjawab kepada Guru Muziknya  Cikgu Asiah untuk memesan satu set angklung. Maka pada 15 Jun 2015, kami dengan berbesar hati telah menghantar satu set Angklung Pak Radja ke sekolah dan menyempurnakan sesi 2 jam Demo untuk guru-guru serta murid-murid.

Pak Radja is giving a brief introduction of Angklung Pak Radja.

The pupils are getting to know their angklung.

                                 They are obviously enjoying themselves.             


Cikgu Asiah, SK Padang Matsirat dedicated Music Teacher

                                  Angklung bergema di Padang Matsirat!

Resounding angklung in Padang Matsirat!

                                                       The teachers in action.
                                                       Trying out the angklung chords.

Pupils gleefully playing the angklung.

               Murid-murid bermain riang dengan Angklung Pak Radja.

Thank you SK Padang Matsirat!
Terima kasih SK Padang Matsirat!

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

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