Sunday 26 April 2015

Thank You, SMK Sungai Udang, Melaka!

MELAKA, a UNESCO world heritage site.

24.04.2015 : 
Melaka is one of our best-loved states to visit. It is rich with trading history and multicultural heritage. Melaka is indeed a very rewarding town to explore. 
                    A call from SMK Sungai Udang for a set of Angklung Pak Radja is long-awaited. A two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur, we reached the school at exactly 7 am. We were just in time to join the school's community had their recitation of 'Surah Yaasin'. 
                       Soon after that, we proceeded to the Music Room to meet Tuan Haji Faizal the Music Teacher for the school. As expected, he was waiting for us with full of anticipation. We were proudly shown to his music room filled with musical instruments. It was a pleasing sight to behold. Less than ten minutes, he efficiently  gathered thirty of his Music Club students into the room.
                         The impressive collection of musical instruments suggests the school's and the music teacher's undeterred commitment to uphold the importance of Music in school's syllabus.The school Music Club is very actively involve in giving performance. In fact they had recently made a Gamelan performance. Now they are aiming to go much further with their new set of angklung.

Tuan Haji Faizal at his best
                         After just a few minutes of coaching, the students managed to shake their angklung well. By the end of the two-hour Demo session, they had successfully played three pieces of song scores. It was indeed rewarding to see the excitement and contentment portrayed on their young face.

                                  Farewell for now young musicians, till we meet again.  Hoping to hear and see your angklung debut soon. Make it incredible and happening!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mission : Strengthen Angklung Group


20.04.2015 :  Taiping, Perak... Heavenly peaceful....Heritage surrounded  by lush greenery...Popularly known as The Town Rain due to its unusual rainfall...
                      Taiping was a pioneer in many areas of civic life, achieving a succession of "firsts" ...the first Malay States to be established by the British, the first to have English educational facility, Malay's first Prison, Malaya's first post office, first museum, first railway station , first police force, first turf club...and the list goes on. The number of firsts varies, but 33 seems to be widely accepted! Taiping definitely deserves the title The Town of Heritage. 
                           We are here to visit Sekolah Kebangsaan Taiping which is situated at Jalan Taming Sari, Taiping. It is only a kilometre  away from the the town centre. A set of Angklung Pak Radja was sent earlier to the school. As promised, we made our second visit  to give our free 2 hours Demo for the teachers and pupils. 

21.04.2015 : Second Day Practice
                            We were hired  by the school to give further training for the teachers and pupils. They are now diligently making preparation for their debut performance on  Teachers Day celebration next month.  Today's practice  was emphasizing on playing with dynamic. Our music sheet is "Can't Help Falling in Love". It is an easy piece so the pupils had a fun time playing it.

                           After getting the pupils full attention and anticipation, we introduced the second music sheet "Biarku Menjadi Lilin" ( Let Me Be As The Candle) a piece specifically requested by the school . This is a quite challenging piece as it mainly contains with quavers. As expected, the pupils need more training to play this piece properly. 

A visit from the President of The Parents and Teachers Association.

22.04.2015 :   Third Day Practise
                        For a warming-up session, we introduced the first music sheet for the day " Bengawan Solo". A beautiful evergreen keroncong song by a very famous Indonesian composer Pak Gersang. Initially, we were quite worried that the pupils might find it hard to play it well as there is a big chance that they might not know this song. Alas, the pupils proved us wrong! Well done!


Pupils were listening attentively.

The remarkably talented Headmaster YM Raja Hafiz Zainal bin Raja Adnan.

                     Hoping for the same effect brushed on the next piece "Biarku Menjadi Lilin". Alhamdulillah.. After revising and modifying the song done by YM Raja Iza Akhmar,  the pupils had a much improved play. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Hoping for a better play next week.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Angklung World Conference

Let's Go To Bandung, Indonesia!

                       Happening on 23rd April 2015 at the Siliwangi Stadium, Bandung, capital city of the West Java Province.   Angklung For The World is going to be the side-event highlights the 60th Commemoration of the Asian African Conference.  
                   Bandung, the City of Flowers  is to be the host of this historical Asian African Conference. Siliwangi Stadium will reverberate in style as about 20,000 people are expected  play the amazing Sundanese traditional bamboo music instrument, angklung!
                         This will definitely set a new world record in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest angklung performance in the world. The  number will far exceed   the record achieved in previous angklung colossal performances in 2011 held in New York, USA (5,000 players) and in 2013 Beijing, China (10,000 players).
 Everyone is invited! 
Let's go and shake the angklung and have some fun.
We will be transforming Bandung into an Ocean of Angklungs.
Together we  resound the  harmony of bamboo  to every corners of the world.

Angklung For The World

Remarkable SK Seri Negeri, Langkawi!


                                The Seri Negeri, primary school of Langkawi Island had once again proved their worth! Just a few weeks after  we handed over their Angklung Pak Radja to the headmaster and teachers;  and conducted a 2 hours free Demo, here they are!

                                 Proudly presenting their debut  Angklung Performance. Bravo teachers and pupils of SK Seri Negeri Langkawi! Looking forward eagerly for your next performance.

Friday 17 April 2015



16.04.2015, Thursday : 

                         Klian Pauh, Taiping,   all girls Primary School again, forged ahead  by having a weekly intensive training. The training took place at the music room. The practice started at 1340. There were  30 pupils waiting for us with full of anticipation. 

                                The training session started with a warming-up by playing the angklung in a full octave. Then they revised the song score which they have played on the previous week. They had played Kau Selalu Di Hatiku (You Are Always In My Heart). This is an evergreen Indonesian song composed by Wehrasmara. A lovely sentimental song with a lilting tune that can be expressed better in angklung version.

                            We continued this training session by dividing the pupils in groups according to the angklung number they were holding.  They were seated together in groups of three. This is  to give further empathizes on  precise tempo and  better harmony. Sitting together can also improve the pupils alertness and teamwork spirit.
                             The music piece that was introduced to them is an old Chinese song, He Ri Jun Zai Lai (When Will You Return). It is an evergreen song and well-loved by many.  It has moderate  tempo and the melody consists of varied musical note.  It contained mostly fast note that is the quavers.The pupils had a fun time challenging themselves keeping-up with the tempo and melody.

                        Initially, the progress was steady and with persevering pace. Soon after that, they burst with new energy. We concluded the day with great satisfaction.

                                  😊  Let's make good angklung music again next week!

Thursday 16 April 2015



15.04.2015 :  Angklung Pak Radja's crew visited SMK Sungai Besar, Selangor for the 2nd time! Our first visit was in January 2015 to send one set of Angklung Pak Radja to this school.  We have been very eager to visit this school again as we did not have the chance to give our free Demo during our first visit. Most of the students and teachers were away for the weekend then.
                       As promised, we came for the second time to meet the teachers and students. We are very excited and pleased to have the chance to meet them.  Especially the students, for they are very special. They are mentally challenge group of students who have very high enthusiasm in learning and expressing themselves in anyway they can possibly manage.
                          We have had the privilege to visit 9 other schools that successfully cater for special-needs students and SMK Sungai Besar, Selangor is our 10th school. Indeed, each and every schools are different from one another. But the remarkable staff of  teachers of these schools shares the same commendable spirit, tireless effort and extraordinary patience.  The students are equally remarkable. Despite of their shortcomings, they are very willing to learn how to express themselves through angklung music. We said it once and we say it again, angklung is very easy to play. And we had a whale of a time proving it at SMK Sungai Besar! Bravo teachers and students of SMK Sungai Besar!

Looking forward to see the next performance of this wonderful group of students.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Melebarkan sayap ke SK Taiping, Perak

                                  SK Taiping Primary School is affectionately known as SKT is located at Taming Sari Road. It is only a kilometre away from the town centre. The school's cheerful looking building proudly stands as if  welcoming every visitor. The school is truly blessed to have a line of dedicated and fully committed teachers, school support staff and the multi-talented Headmaster, YM Raja Zainal Hafiz bin Raja Adnan.
                              Sekolah Kebangsaan Taiping yang lebih dikenali dengan panggilan singkat SKT merupakan sebuah Sekolah kebangsaan yang terletak di Jalan Taming Sari. Sekolah kebangsaan yang tersergam indah amat bertuah kerana mempunyai barisan guru-guru, kakitangan sekolah dan Guru Besar yang begitu komited dengan tugas masing-masing.

                                   We feel honoured to have many opportunities  to  visit the school. Our first visit was to meet the Headmaster's call for an assistance on introducing Angklung to the school community. Our following visits were done throughout the last few months at the end of the year 2014. The training was conducted for the teachers of SKT Preschool in preparing for their angklung first performance in-conjunction with SKT Preschool Prize Giving Ceremony 2014.
                              Kami  amat berbesar hati kerana berpeluang mengunjungi SKT untuk beberapa kali. Kunjungan pertama kami adalah untuk memenuhi jemputan Guru Besar, YM Raja Zainal Hafiz bin Raja Adnan, memperkenalkan Angklung Pak Radja pada warga sekolah. Kunjungan-kunjungan susulan pula adalah untuk melatih guru-guru prasekolah dalam persembahan sulung angklung  sempena Hari Penyampaian Anugerah PraSekolah SKT 2014.

Guru Besar SKT yang berbakat besar.
The multi talented Headmaster of SKT.
Latihan Angklung,
                                 SKT  is proud to have their very own Music Band. The members of the band consists of the Hedmaster himself as a keyboardist, a few teachers, school support staff and PTA.  It is a commendable move when the school opt to integrate the angkung performance with live band accompaniment. This will yet certainly pulls a lot attention from the audience.
                               SKT juga turut berbangga memiliki sebuah kugiran sekolah yang dianggotai oleh Guru Besar, beberapa oang guru dan kakitangan sekolah, serta ibu bapa pelajar. Sudah memang pantas apabila pihak sekolah bercadang untuk mengabungkan persembahan angklung dengan iringan live band. Kejayaan persembahan ini sudah tentu akan menjadi satu tarikan yang luarbiasa kelak.

Cikgu Ally dengan gitar Besnya.
Cikgu Ally with his bass guitar.

Cikgu Jahizi dan kumpulan angklung SKT.
Cikgu Jahizi with the SKT angklung group.

                           On 14th April 2015, we delivered a full set of Angklung Pak Radja to SKT. The Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) do the honour of purchasing the set for the  school, owing to the full commitment and hard-work shown by the SKT community in forming the first ever Angklung Group for the Taiping area. 
                              Pada 14 April 2015, kami telah menghantar satu set lengkap Angklung Pak Radja ke SKT. Pihak Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) sekolah telah berbesar hati untuk membiayai pembelian set tersebut setelah melihat kesungguhan pihak warga SKT dalam menempah tempat unggul dalam penubuhan kumpulan angklung sekolah di daerah Taiping.

Latihan lanjutan.
Pengerusi PIBG SKT En. Zailani bin Hashim.
The President of the PTA Mr. Zailani bin Hashim

Latihan pemantapan.

Monday 6 April 2015

Spreading Wings to LANGKAWI : The Land of Lady Mahsuri


               A memorable visit to Pulau Langkawi to send a full set of Angklung Pak Radja to SK Seri Negeri and  did a Free Demo as promised. It was our extreme pleasure to meet such a wonderful staff of teachers, dedicated, committed and definitely know how to have fun!
                 The school staffs were very much involved that the school principal himself came to take part in the two hours demo. He was in fact the first person to try-out and rattle the  angklung at the school hall. When he struck a note,  suddenly the whole school was filled with a fantastic lilting sound as if it belongs there all along. How remarkable!
                   During our stay there, we had been treated like VIPs! We are indeed very much obliged. Thank you so much for your hospitality! Thank you Cikgu Zakirah for a wonderful stay at Eleven Inn. Thank you Cikgu Zalianah and Cikgu Yusrul for the lunch and dinner treat. Thank you for showing us around and making us felt at home.  

The merry bunch of teachers at SK Seri Negeri, Langkawi.

Cikgu Zakirah displays her exceptional dedication.

A memento for the Principal of SK Seri Negeri,Langkawi, Mr. Abdul Razak Hj. Jusoh 
Cikgu Yusrul and Cikgu Zulianah.

Teachers engaging in group Angklung play.

Sunday 5 April 2015



                   Sekolah Kebangsaan Klian Pauh  is one of the few  schools in Malaysia which had won the Cluster School of Excellence award. In 2014, SKKP  had purchased one set of Angklung Pak Radja to compliment their initial set.  Under the dedicated guidance  of the school music teacher Cikgu Aida, they had successfully set up their very own angklung group. They are actively involved in giving performance in various events.  This remarkable and talented  group of young girls diligently attend their weekly angklung practice to ensure that they are well ahead.
 Due to the overwhelming responds from the students as well as their parents, SKKP repeated purchase recently for another 3 more sets of Angklung Pak Radja. Now, this school is the proud owner of 5 sets of angklung! And they are ready to rock the world of angklung in Malaysia.

Cikgu Aida and her girls.


Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung