Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mission : Strengthen Angklung Group


20.04.2015 :  Taiping, Perak... Heavenly peaceful....Heritage surrounded  by lush greenery...Popularly known as The Town Rain due to its unusual rainfall...
                      Taiping was a pioneer in many areas of civic life, achieving a succession of "firsts" ...the first Malay States to be established by the British, the first to have English educational facility, Malay's first Prison, Malaya's first post office, first museum, first railway station , first police force, first turf club...and the list goes on. The number of firsts varies, but 33 seems to be widely accepted! Taiping definitely deserves the title The Town of Heritage. 
                           We are here to visit Sekolah Kebangsaan Taiping which is situated at Jalan Taming Sari, Taiping. It is only a kilometre  away from the the town centre. A set of Angklung Pak Radja was sent earlier to the school. As promised, we made our second visit  to give our free 2 hours Demo for the teachers and pupils. 

21.04.2015 : Second Day Practice
                            We were hired  by the school to give further training for the teachers and pupils. They are now diligently making preparation for their debut performance on  Teachers Day celebration next month.  Today's practice  was emphasizing on playing with dynamic. Our music sheet is "Can't Help Falling in Love". It is an easy piece so the pupils had a fun time playing it.

                           After getting the pupils full attention and anticipation, we introduced the second music sheet "Biarku Menjadi Lilin" ( Let Me Be As The Candle) a piece specifically requested by the school . This is a quite challenging piece as it mainly contains with quavers. As expected, the pupils need more training to play this piece properly. 

A visit from the President of The Parents and Teachers Association.

22.04.2015 :   Third Day Practise
                        For a warming-up session, we introduced the first music sheet for the day " Bengawan Solo". A beautiful evergreen keroncong song by a very famous Indonesian composer Pak Gersang. Initially, we were quite worried that the pupils might find it hard to play it well as there is a big chance that they might not know this song. Alas, the pupils proved us wrong! Well done!


Pupils were listening attentively.

The remarkably talented Headmaster YM Raja Hafiz Zainal bin Raja Adnan.

                     Hoping for the same effect brushed on the next piece "Biarku Menjadi Lilin". Alhamdulillah.. After revising and modifying the song done by YM Raja Iza Akhmar,  the pupils had a much improved play. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Hoping for a better play next week.

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