Wednesday 8 April 2015

Melebarkan sayap ke SK Taiping, Perak

                                  SK Taiping Primary School is affectionately known as SKT is located at Taming Sari Road. It is only a kilometre away from the town centre. The school's cheerful looking building proudly stands as if  welcoming every visitor. The school is truly blessed to have a line of dedicated and fully committed teachers, school support staff and the multi-talented Headmaster, YM Raja Zainal Hafiz bin Raja Adnan.
                              Sekolah Kebangsaan Taiping yang lebih dikenali dengan panggilan singkat SKT merupakan sebuah Sekolah kebangsaan yang terletak di Jalan Taming Sari. Sekolah kebangsaan yang tersergam indah amat bertuah kerana mempunyai barisan guru-guru, kakitangan sekolah dan Guru Besar yang begitu komited dengan tugas masing-masing.

                                   We feel honoured to have many opportunities  to  visit the school. Our first visit was to meet the Headmaster's call for an assistance on introducing Angklung to the school community. Our following visits were done throughout the last few months at the end of the year 2014. The training was conducted for the teachers of SKT Preschool in preparing for their angklung first performance in-conjunction with SKT Preschool Prize Giving Ceremony 2014.
                              Kami  amat berbesar hati kerana berpeluang mengunjungi SKT untuk beberapa kali. Kunjungan pertama kami adalah untuk memenuhi jemputan Guru Besar, YM Raja Zainal Hafiz bin Raja Adnan, memperkenalkan Angklung Pak Radja pada warga sekolah. Kunjungan-kunjungan susulan pula adalah untuk melatih guru-guru prasekolah dalam persembahan sulung angklung  sempena Hari Penyampaian Anugerah PraSekolah SKT 2014.

Guru Besar SKT yang berbakat besar.
The multi talented Headmaster of SKT.
Latihan Angklung,
                                 SKT  is proud to have their very own Music Band. The members of the band consists of the Hedmaster himself as a keyboardist, a few teachers, school support staff and PTA.  It is a commendable move when the school opt to integrate the angkung performance with live band accompaniment. This will yet certainly pulls a lot attention from the audience.
                               SKT juga turut berbangga memiliki sebuah kugiran sekolah yang dianggotai oleh Guru Besar, beberapa oang guru dan kakitangan sekolah, serta ibu bapa pelajar. Sudah memang pantas apabila pihak sekolah bercadang untuk mengabungkan persembahan angklung dengan iringan live band. Kejayaan persembahan ini sudah tentu akan menjadi satu tarikan yang luarbiasa kelak.

Cikgu Ally dengan gitar Besnya.
Cikgu Ally with his bass guitar.

Cikgu Jahizi dan kumpulan angklung SKT.
Cikgu Jahizi with the SKT angklung group.

                           On 14th April 2015, we delivered a full set of Angklung Pak Radja to SKT. The Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) do the honour of purchasing the set for the  school, owing to the full commitment and hard-work shown by the SKT community in forming the first ever Angklung Group for the Taiping area. 
                              Pada 14 April 2015, kami telah menghantar satu set lengkap Angklung Pak Radja ke SKT. Pihak Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) sekolah telah berbesar hati untuk membiayai pembelian set tersebut setelah melihat kesungguhan pihak warga SKT dalam menempah tempat unggul dalam penubuhan kumpulan angklung sekolah di daerah Taiping.

Latihan lanjutan.
Pengerusi PIBG SKT En. Zailani bin Hashim.
The President of the PTA Mr. Zailani bin Hashim

Latihan pemantapan.

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung