Friday 17 April 2015



16.04.2015, Thursday : 

                         Klian Pauh, Taiping,   all girls Primary School again, forged ahead  by having a weekly intensive training. The training took place at the music room. The practice started at 1340. There were  30 pupils waiting for us with full of anticipation. 

                                The training session started with a warming-up by playing the angklung in a full octave. Then they revised the song score which they have played on the previous week. They had played Kau Selalu Di Hatiku (You Are Always In My Heart). This is an evergreen Indonesian song composed by Wehrasmara. A lovely sentimental song with a lilting tune that can be expressed better in angklung version.

                            We continued this training session by dividing the pupils in groups according to the angklung number they were holding.  They were seated together in groups of three. This is  to give further empathizes on  precise tempo and  better harmony. Sitting together can also improve the pupils alertness and teamwork spirit.
                             The music piece that was introduced to them is an old Chinese song, He Ri Jun Zai Lai (When Will You Return). It is an evergreen song and well-loved by many.  It has moderate  tempo and the melody consists of varied musical note.  It contained mostly fast note that is the quavers.The pupils had a fun time challenging themselves keeping-up with the tempo and melody.

                        Initially, the progress was steady and with persevering pace. Soon after that, they burst with new energy. We concluded the day with great satisfaction.

                                  😊  Let's make good angklung music again next week!

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung