Sunday 26 April 2015

Thank You, SMK Sungai Udang, Melaka!

MELAKA, a UNESCO world heritage site.

24.04.2015 : 
Melaka is one of our best-loved states to visit. It is rich with trading history and multicultural heritage. Melaka is indeed a very rewarding town to explore. 
                    A call from SMK Sungai Udang for a set of Angklung Pak Radja is long-awaited. A two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur, we reached the school at exactly 7 am. We were just in time to join the school's community had their recitation of 'Surah Yaasin'. 
                       Soon after that, we proceeded to the Music Room to meet Tuan Haji Faizal the Music Teacher for the school. As expected, he was waiting for us with full of anticipation. We were proudly shown to his music room filled with musical instruments. It was a pleasing sight to behold. Less than ten minutes, he efficiently  gathered thirty of his Music Club students into the room.
                         The impressive collection of musical instruments suggests the school's and the music teacher's undeterred commitment to uphold the importance of Music in school's syllabus.The school Music Club is very actively involve in giving performance. In fact they had recently made a Gamelan performance. Now they are aiming to go much further with their new set of angklung.

Tuan Haji Faizal at his best
                         After just a few minutes of coaching, the students managed to shake their angklung well. By the end of the two-hour Demo session, they had successfully played three pieces of song scores. It was indeed rewarding to see the excitement and contentment portrayed on their young face.

                                  Farewell for now young musicians, till we meet again.  Hoping to hear and see your angklung debut soon. Make it incredible and happening!

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Angklung and angklung : Maher Zain

Maher Zain and Angklung